Can You Freeze Juice? 3 Factors Affect Shelf Life of Frozen Juice

Can You Freeze Juice


You may be doubtful about freezing juice due to health safety concerns. So, can you freeze juice? This article answers that and explains the shelf life of frozen juice, the containers you should use, and compares the nutritional value of frozen juice to fresh juice.

It also covers the process of freezing orange juice and factors that affect the shelf life of frozen juice in general.

Can You Freeze Juice?

Yes, you can freeze the juice for up to 6 months. It is a process that does not involve any expertise and will help preserve it for later use. The only downside to this process is that the juice may lose some nutrients over time.

You should freeze it in airtight containers to avoid nutritional degradation during the freezing process. More information on shelf life and nutritional value are discussed in detail below.

1. Shelf Life of Frozen Juice

The shelf life of frozen juice is up to 6 months.

It is important to note that this is dependent on the freshness of the ingredients used. If they are not fresh, the juice is likely to go bad after a few weeks. It also depends on the method and the conditions within which the juice is made.

For frozen fresh juice, the closer to thawing temperature they become, the faster the deterioration reactions occur. Therefore, the juice must be kept at the lowest temperature in the freezer; preferably below 32°F or 0°C. Please note that the closer the temperature is to 32°F or 0°C, the easier it is for the juice to spoil.

For cold-pressed juices already preserved through High Pressure Processing, you can still freeze them to elongate their shelf life up to 6 months. They must however be consumed as soon as they are thawed to avoid food poisoning.

2. What You Should Freeze Your Juice In

You can freeze your juice in a variety of containers including mason jars and Ziplock bags.  However, the most appropriate containers are airtight ones. These can keep oxygen away and reduce nutritional deterioration.

When choosing a container to use, make sure the juice is not full to the brim. This will allow the juice some space to expand when it freezes, without destroying the container.

The containers must also be clean to prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from contaminating the juice.

3. Nutritional Value of Frozen Juice as Compared to Fresh Juice

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the nutritional value of fresh juice is higher than that of frozen juice. This is mainly due to the fact that the nutrients in frozen juice deteriorate over time.

Although the nutritional deterioration is slow, it can be significant over a few months of freezing. It is exhibited by a decline in nutrients, primarily loss of ascorbic acid, low enzymatic activity as well as flavor. There may also be some changes in the juice color and its viscosity.

Factors Affect Shelf Life of Frozen Juice

Factors Affect Shelf Life of Frozen Juice


1. Type of Juicer Used

Using a cold press juicer will produce juice with a longer shelf life. This is because the pressure applied suspends the bacterial activity in the juicing ingredients and reduces the chances of contamination by microorganisms.

Using a centrifugal juicer produces juice with a lower shelf life because they have no mechanism to reduce microbial contamination in the juice. The temperature during juicing is also not as low as in the cold press juicer.

2. Vegetables and Fruits Used

To ensure longer shelf life, you must use fresh fruits and vegetables to make your juice. This is because freezing only preserves the juice in the original state, albeit with a few deteriorations, but does not make the juice fresher than it originally was.

Apart from the freshness, make sure the fruits have been refrigerated before juicing to maintain them at a low temperature throughout the process. The juicing should be done within the shortest time possible and the juice frozen immediately.

You should also consider that fruits and vegetables with low pH (acidic) such as lemon, have a longer shelf life than those that have a higher pH.

3. Juicing Conditions

To ensure longer shelf life, juicing must be done in a clean and sanitary environment to avoid having bacteria and other microorganisms in the juice before freezing. It should also be done in a cold environment to avoid much heat which may encourage bacterial growth.

How to Freeze Orange Juice

How to Freeze Orange Juice


Just like any other juice, you can freeze orange juice for later use. Follow the following steps to freeze it for the best results:

  • Use fresh oranges in the juicing process and maintain a low temperature throughout.
  • Pour the juice into airtight containers, leaving some space in the container to accommodate the expansion that occurs in freezing.
  • Place in the freezer.

Alternatively, you can use the icetray. Follow the following steps:

  • Pour the orange juice into the ice tray and place in the freezer compartment for 2 hours to allow the cubes to form.
  • Transfer the frozen cubes into a Ziplock bag.
  • Place in the freezer.

Please note that pulpy orange juice takes longer to freeze than non-pulpy ones. That means that cold-pressed juice will freeze faster because it has no pulp. However, you can pass fresh juice through a strainer to remove the pulp and make freezing faster.

Read More: The Best Oranges for Juicing


In conclusion, you can freeze the juice for up to six months. However, the shelf life is highly dependent on the juicing method used, the fruits and vegetables used, and the prevailing conditions during the juicing process.

You should consider using airtight containers in this process to reduce the chances of nutritional deterioration.

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