6 Best Canned Salmon of 2023 – Tested & Reviewed

Best Canned Salmon
Photo: Wild Planet

It is essential to find the canned salmon with rich content of omega 3, and proteins. Our review will help you find the best canned salmon.  

These products have a meagre content of preservatives to bind the fish nutrition and increase its life as a consumable product.

While there are various brands offering canned salmon, not all the options available in the market are worth your money spent.

That is why, we have comprised a list of finest products below that you can choose without any concerns.

Canned Salmon vs. Tuna Comparison

These both are components of the ocean that are in constant war for supremacy of nutrients. Well, now in the canned salmon review, we will see some differences between tuna and salmon.

1. Energy

There is a clear dominance of salmon when it comes to energy as it contains high content of vitamins B6 and B12 that give your body more energy than any other type of food you eat.

Tuna has single solitary energy giving calorie on each gram of weight. Salmon has 1.4 calories in a gram which result in providing more energy to the eater.

2. Muscle

If your concern is more related to the muscle then tuna is the choice for you. It outweighs salmon hugely.

The content of protein in 100g fillet is 23.4 grams. Considering the high protein content in tuna, it can help in muscle building to a large extent.

On the contrary, Salmon has 19.8 grams of protein in 100g fillet. So, there is a clear victory for tuna when protein is concerned.

Now, there is another aspect to this muscle situation. Men that has moderate cholesterol diet have better muscles than the ones with low-cholesterol diet.

As far as cholesterol is concerned, Salmon has 55 grams of it whereas tuna is equipped with 44 grams in the same quantity.  

Our Tip: One way or the else, Salmon is a better food than tuna. It provides you better energy and more muscle, if you are a moderate cholesterol diet-taker.

What To Check Before Buying Canned Salmon?

How to Buy Best Canned Salmon

Canned salmon is one of the easiest and affordable way to enjoy eating salmon on routine basis. But considering the fact that there are various brands offering the product, you should know the tips of finding the healthiest canned salmon to eat.

1. Types of Canned Salmon

Basically, there are two types of salmon available in canned form.

– Pink Salmon

This is the smallest species from the pacific. The fishes reside in the waters of Arctic and Pacific. They can also be found in Sacramento river in northern California and Mackenzie river in Canada.

But the safest pink salmon comes from the fishes of Alaska. While all other salmon is not suggested for the pregnant women, salmon from Alaskan fishes is considered to be the best diet. We recommend Wild Planet pink salmon as it is a great product. 

Other than that, the pink salmon has a rich content of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamin D and B12, and various minerals that are essential for your body.

– Sockeye or Red Salmon

The second type is the red salmon which is bigger than the pink salmon. As far as the nutritional value is concerned, Sockeye consists of vitamin B3, B6, B12, D, protein, omega 3, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, etc.

It gives you more energy and has omega 3 that has anti-inflammatory properties to help in preventing the diseases. Then there are muscle-building proteins in the salmon that is suitable for gym enthusiasts.

Our Tip: Both the kind of salmons have varied nutritional properties and serve beneficially to the people who eat either of the salmons.

We cannot encourage anyone to buy a certain kind of salmon because it will serve different benefits to different people.

2. Wild Raised

Sea animals that live in their natural habitat consume natural diet. These are the fishes from where one can get the best canned salmon and have all the nutritional qualities.

You can also find salmon from farm raised fishes which are basically injected with chemicals to make them appear fully grown in lesser time.

Such fishes are contaminated and not fit to consume. Mostly, Atlantic fishes are farmed fishes so if the label suggests, so then you should probably not buy the salmon. Alaskan pink and sockeye salmon are usually wild-caught and is safe to purchase.

3. Skin and Bones

Some canned salmon is available with skin and bones. You can consume both the things as they are left on the fish and the bones are softer and easily chewable. However, you can choose the kind of salmon that you want to eat, with bones or without.

Suppose you have mistakenly bought salmon with skin and don’t want to eat it then you can easily remove the skin and bones and serve them to your pet while you can enjoy the salmon.

Moreover, if you run the skin and bones through blender then the salmon becomes extremely soft, and you will hardly notice any both the components separately.

People who wish to consume calcium through salmon should prefer buying product with skin and bones.

They have a rich content of calcium thus, making it an extremely healthy diet to have.

So, if you want salmon with bones and skin, we recommend Chicken of the Sea canned salmon.

However, the color and appearance of the salmon will be hampered but if you can look past that then you should prefer buying salmon with bones and skin.

6 Best Canned Salmon Reviewed





1. Crown Prince Natural Canned Salmon (Best Overall)

  • Non-GMO, ASMI-certified
  • Suitably priced
  • Made from wild-caught fishes
  • Pack of 12 cans
Wild Planet 01407378

2. Wild Planet 01407378 (Alaska Origin & No Fillers)

  • No fillers
  • Pack of 12 cans
  • Authentic taste
  • Made from naturally raised fishes
Redhead Wild Alaska Sockeye Canned Salmon

3. Redhead Wild Alaska Sockeye Canned Salmon (Kosher-Certified)

  • Kosher-certified
  • Nutrition-rich
  • Available in pack of 12
  • Safe to consume
Bumble Bee 8660012331

4. Bumble Bee 8660012331 (For Keto Dieters)

  • Suitable for people on keto diet
  • Gluten-free
  • Large quantity
  • Tasteful with high nutritional value
Henry & Lisa’s Natural Seafood Wild Alaskan Pink Salmon

5. Henry & Lisa’s Natural Seafood Pink Salmon (Boneless-Skinless Salmon)

  • Boneless and skinless salmon
  • Suitable for kosher consumer
  • Gluten-free
  • Non-GMO
Chicken of the Sea Canned Salmon

6. Chicken of the Sea Canned Salmon (For Large Families)

  • Rich-quantity so suitable for large families
  • Decent sodium content
  • High nutritional value
  • Comes with bones and skin

1. Crown Prince Natural Canned Salmon (Best Overall)


Photo: Crown Prince

  • Types of Canned Salmon: Pink
  • Origin: Alaska
  • Taste: Mild

This one is the best overall product as the pack of 12 cans is available on a suitable price. Plus, it is non-GMO, ASMI certified and made of wild-caught fishes. 

Well, as far as other qualities are concerned such as taste, freshness, quality, smell, etc. the salmon has rich qualities.

The mild taste suit better to the different dishes however, some people will find it boring. This can deliver high-grade health benefits such as it is a great source of protein and calcium. If you are more into muscle making then this product will benefit you immensely.

The salmon can be best for your teeth and bones because of the high content of calcium. Other than that, it is kosher and gluten-free. This means, the product is suitable for the people that are on diet.

There are no added colors or harmful preservatives. The natural pink color looks amazing. The fish is caught from Alaskan fishery, so you don’t have to worry about its quality.

The pack is available in 12 cans and last for a few days. Please note that this product has bones so people who don’t like bones in salmon will not like it. 


  • Gluten-free and Non-GMO
  • Beautiful pink colour
  • Great source of protein
  • Low in sodium


  • Not suitable for people who don’t like bones in salmon

2. Wild Planet 01407378 (Best Alaskan without Fillers)

Wild Planet Pink Canned Salmon

Photo: Wild Planet

  • Types of Canned Salmon: Pink
  • Origin: Alaska
  • Taste: Mild

The Wild Planet is boneless and skinless salmon caught from the authentic and naturally raised fishes from Alaska. It has no fillers which means that you can take the salmon out of the can and without having to rinse it, you can use it.

The can is a package of 12 salmon which is suitable for medium-sized family, if the salmon consumption in your house is limited.

Talking about the taste, it is great however, some people find it a bit dry. It has a fresh taste which is not too salty. You can use the salmon in any dish of your choice.

Next great thing about this product is that it does not have excessive odor or smell. It becomes really challenging to feed strongly smelling salmon to the kids as they might dislike the odor.

Since there are no bones in the product, it has limited quantity of calcium. For anyone who is looking for major calcium content, this major calcium content, this product will not be as suitable.

For some reason, the color of the salmon is grayish than being pink. So, you might just feel a little disappointed as far as color is concerned.


  • No-fillers
  • Has great and fresh taste
  • Wild-caught fish salmon
  • Not too strong odour


  • The colour of salmon might disappoint you
  • Less calcium contents
  • Bit dry

3. Redhead Wild Alaska Sockeye Canned Salmon – (Kosher-Certified)

Redhead Wild Alaska Sockeye Canned Salmon

Photo: Pure Alaska Salmon Co.

  • Types of Canned Salmon: Sockeye
  • Origin: Alaska
  • Taste: Salty

The high point of this product is that it is kosher-certified for safe consumption. It has firm texture and earthy mild taste because of high oil content and fat.

The color of the salmon is dark red. It blends best with all the other ingredients to make finest dishes. You can add it to the roasted veggies and risotto. It also tastes perfect in mac and cheese and different kind of salads.

The Redeye salmon has high nutritional content including minerals and vitamins such as calcium, omega 3, proteins, etc. It is well-suited to the people on diet as well because of kosher. Precisely, the product is best for kosher consumers.

One more incredible detail about this product is that it contains bones and skin. While many people will not prefer the inclusion of bones in the salmon, the ones who require more calcium-rich diet, this product will be the best suitable for their needs.

The only drawback here is that you might find the salmon a bit salty. This way, when you add more salt to any dish, the overall taste becomes unenjoyable.

As far as costing is concerned, let us tell you that this product priced unsuitably. So, you better be prepared to spend some pretty amount on the pack of 12. 


  • Kosher-certified salmon
  • Very high nutritional value
  • Contains bones and skin
  • Good content of calcium
  • Can be added to various dishes


  • Highly priced
  • Bit salty

4. Bumble Bee 8660012331 (Ketogenic)

Bumble Bee Wild Pink Canned Salmon

Photo: Bumble Bee

  • Types of Canned Salmon: Pink  
  • Taste: Mild

This product is essentially suitable for the people who enjoy deep flavors of the salmon. However, this product is essentially beneficial for people on keto diet.

The taste of the salmon is mildly salty. You can add it while making pastas, patties, sandwiches, salads, dips, etc. The manufacturers are also sharing a great recipe that help you learn making a burger with canned salmon.

The nutrition is available in massive quantity. It is great as a part of healthy diet. The gluten free salmon is great for kosher consumers as well.

It is a healthier option because the salmon is caught wild, thus making it safe for the consumers as well as the environment. You can add it in a variety of recipes. It also smells pretty nice.  

The bubble bee can is quite convenient to carry for a picnic. It has sufficient salmon to serve the entire family in one go.

With everything right with this product, the only concern here is that the texture of the salmon is not too firm. On the contrary, it’s quite soggy.


  • Suitable for people on keto diet
  • Suitable for kosher consumer
  • Great with a variety of food
  • High in nutrition


  • Bit soggy in texture

5. Henry & Lisa’s Natural Seafood Pink Salmon (Boneless-Skinless)

Henry & Lisa’s Natural Seafood Wild Alaskan Pink Salmon

Photo: Henry & Lisa’s Natural Seafood

  • Types of Canned Salmon: Pink 
  • Origin: Alaska
  • Taste: Salty

Well, if you are always in a hurry and want pre-cooked salmon then this is the most suitable product. This one is boneless and skinless so many people will like it.

Starting from the richness of the color and decent taste, everything about this product is great. However, since the sodium content is a little high, not every consumer will like the extra salt.

This one is an excellent source of calcium that encourages teeth and bone health. It is not just great in calcium but also contain omega 3 acid for healthy heart.

The non-GMO, gluten-free product is great for kosher consumers as well. It has got all the needed health benefits that one can demand from the salmon.

It does not contain any harmful chemicals, colors, preservatives or antibiotics. You will surely appreciate the quality of the product.


  • Boneless and skinless
  • Non-GMO, gluten free
  • Suitable for kosher consumers
  • BPA free
  • Great overall quality


  • Bit extra salty

6. Chicken of the Sea Canned Salmon (Best for Large Families)

Photo: Chicken of the Sea

  • Types of Canned Salmon: Pink 
  • Taste: Mild

Well, Chicken of the Sea pink salmon is also one of the most liked salmons in the market. It is pretty suitable for large families as you get 12 cans of 14.75-ounce of salmon in a very decent price. 

It has got rich color and amazing taste. The sodium content is not too high, so the salmon is not very salty. It can be used with a variety of dishes such as burgers, patties, sandwiches, salads, pasta, tacos, etc.

Plus, there are bones and skin in the salmon along with a lot of water. This means that you might not get enough meat from the can than expected.


  • Large quantity suitable for large families
  • Contain bones and skin
  • Wild caught fishes
  • Great in quality
  • High nutritional content


  • The can has a lot of water


As we conclude our canned salmon review, we would like to say that this is one of the most nutritionally valued meals that people like to consume. Our top recommendation is the Crown Prince Natural canned salmon.

All the product listed above contain fine fish from Alaska that are free from any kind of contamination and serve great benefits to the consumers.

If you are on keto diet then you can pick Bumble Bee 8660012331 canned salmon as it is specifically for ketogenic diet.

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